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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Weekend Update

So my last weekend update said that we ended Sunday night with Reagan having "Fever virus". Unfortunately, Tuesday morning she was still not better. We paid a visit to our normal pediatrician and she sent us to Northport Hospital for blood work and a chest x-ray. I will admit, I thought to myself how silly, a chest x-ray, she isn't even wheezing? But thank the Lord we found out she had pneumonia! PNEUMONIA?? Of all things? The only symptom she has had was fever. And a huge shout out to her for not making a peep during the blood work. She did not even cry and in the middle of the lady taking blood asked if she was going to get a prize. So of course, we went to Krispy Kreme afterwards. Anyways, after a few days of antibiotics we are almost as good as new.

Also, on Wednesday baby Grey finally made his arrival!! I will save those pictures for his own separate post.

So Friday night after work I had a hair appointment. I LOVE the beauty shop. It is one of my favorite places to spend time and money. Seriously. TC went and picked up Reagan and they spent some time bonding at "Old McDonald's" AKA McDonalds.

Saturday morning we had a birthday party to attend at 10 am. Reagan was OVER it. She got hot and sweaty then did not want to have anything to do with the party so we left early. We got home and she slept for 3 hours. I think she is tiring very easily from getting over being so sick. Saturday afternoon Rob and Brittany and Wes and his Brittany all came to our house to watch the game. We had a great night hanging out.

Sunday morning we went to church then came home for another 3 hour nap. I really could get use to she and I taking 3 hour naps everyday. After we finally got up, I straightened up the house and decided to cut the grass. I have found I really enjoy relaxing while I am cutting the grass. Who knew?

The best part about this weekend? We still have all day tomorrow to do things! TC and I are both off work and are excited to continue our relaxing weekend!

She asked TC if she could wear these shoes to church this morning. Thank goodness he talked her out of them.

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