Sorry it has taken me so long to update, we have been so busy!... Pre-school has been a success! I was a nervous wreck last Wednesday on the way to Reagan's school. My stomach was turning over and over. I ABSOLUTELY did not want to leave her. But, I did and she lived. I cried the whole way home and sat on the couch feeling sorry for myself until it was time for me to go to work. She was not a happy camper when I left, but they tell me she gets over it quick. I laughingly told them that she would NOT lay down and sleep on her nap mat that "princess" needs to be rocked. In turn, they have laughingly told me both days she has gone that she lays right down and sleeps for 2 and a half hours! I mean honestly, nothing like your own kids to make you look like a liar. She is so dang cute in her little class. She is the tiniest one and is also one of the oldest.
On another note I celebrated my second official Mothers Day!! Reagan ran a fever and was snotty all night Saturday night so she slept in bed with TC and I. NOT FUN...... I woke up 15,000 times to different body parts poking into me. Sunday morning she was still sick and whiney so we didn't get to go to church on Mother's day, which I was sad about but no use in getting others sick. She and I slept almost the entire day Sunday wahoo!! Nothing like catching up on some much needed sleep. So that is all for now. I was informed by my husband he never finishes reading my posts because they are "too long"....hmm
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
2 months ago
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