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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Best Friends!

This past Friday night was a great night for me. Some of my closest high school and college friends were all in town for the holidays. These are the people who will always be my best friends because they know way to many of my secrets! We are all never in the same place for long, so for us all to be together on Friday was a big deal.

For two years a bunch of us lived in the same apartment complex in college. These were the BEST times of my life and if I could relive them I would. We were together all the time and made some of my best memories. I cherish those relationships and memories to this day.

This is also a group that I don't have to talk to daily. When we are together we pick up right back where we left off. It feels like nothing changed. These are people I will hold dear in my heart forever!

In the end we had TC and myself, Rodney and his wife Lacey, Chase (who lives in ATL now), Jason (who is currently in California), Perryn (our New Yorker), Krystal (who lives in Fairhope,AL), and Layne and Stephanie who are both still here in Ttown. I am so glad to have had this night with some important people in my life!!

Sorry for such terrible quality pictures. We were working with iPhones!

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