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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Reagan's Christmas Party

Ever since I was little I have wanted to be a mom. I wanted to be just like my mom. (Love you momma!) And I wanted to be the class mom just like her. I wanted to be at every event and field trip just like she was. So today I got to start following in her footsteps! It was Reagan's class party at school. SO MUCH FUN. Ten 2 year olds will wear you out and I decided her teacher does not get paid enough.  Those kids were FIRED up about some chicken nuggets and cheese puffs. I loved it. I am so thankful I have the flexibility to be there and be involved in her life. Here are a few pics. 

Reagan and one of her BFF's Madden

So happy to get a cupcake! My baby loves some cake!!!

She was across from her boy toy John Michael who also likes to eat other peoples food!!

Her class and her teachers! So thankful for these hard working women!!


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