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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

At our house lately…

Warning: This is a post of random thoughts and things going on at our house currently. Feel free to skim…

When I was pregnant and found out I was having a girl I prayed. I prayed for one that loved baby dolls, hairbows, glitter and all things girly. OH MY did the Lord hear those prayers. (Obviously I also prayed for important things like let her love God and grow up to be a good person too. I am not that shallow.) Anyways, I have been given one sassy little girl. She cracks me up every single day. She hates having her hands dirty. She will wave them in my face yelling, "WIPE THEM, WIPE THEM!!" She is newly obsessed with her high heels and asked for new dress up clothes the other day.
Dont ask me where her pants went?
She is obviously wondering the
same thing…
I had this random hole in the back of my hallway that has been a magnet for junk since we moved. Well the other day I got sick of looking at it and recruited my 80 something year old Grandaddy to help me with shelves. He was awesome. He went with me to Home Depot and helped me pick out wood then cut them for me. I had a slight panic attack thinking I didn't measure right, but they worked thank goodness. Thank you so much Grandaddy!! They look great. *Note to self: you have to stir the paint next time… Also, ignore that nasty grate, I'am working on that next.
The random hole.

Reagan was asked to take some pictures for Academy of Ballet and Jazz for an article. OMG is all I can say about that.  The kid DID NOT SMILE. Not once people. NOT ONE SMILE. I begged her, I pleaded, I tried to bribe. Nothing worked. Needless to say I highly doubt we make the ad. Mortified probably would have described me at that point. Oh well, its gonna be a funny story one day.

We have tap shoes for our big girl ballet class. They are loud, noisy and funny. These pictures are of Reagan rocking them before 8am this morning with her pajamas on. She loves these tap shoes. And I must confess I love them too. I also love Murphy in the background wondering why I let her put these on.

1 comment:

Perryn said...

I love the shelves in the hallway opening! They look great!!

Also, loving the thought of Miss Reagan in her tap shoes at 8 am. Haha!