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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Weekend Update

Well, our crazy weekend started off with a trip to the ER. Yep, I just said ER. TC has just completed his first bout with kidney stones. He pretty much summed it up as he felt like he was dying. And before the nurse came in with a shot of pain meds he was pretty much freaking out. I was absolutely useless because I just stood there and watched him writhing around in pain. Literally, I just stood there staring at him wondering what it felt like? Thankfully, the shot of meds helped and they took him for a CT. Turns out the little booger was 4mm and in his bladder by the time they got a picture. We finished the night with some Sonic and I took the hottest shower I could stand to scrub off the nastiness that is the Emergency Room…I will spare you the grossness of the picture of the kidney stone when it came out.

Saturday morning TC has already planned to take Reagan up to Barber's Motorsports for the sportbike races. (Insert new hobby here). He felt alot better so they ended up still heading to Bham. He said she was awesome and loved it. She keeps talking about the racetrack and wearing her helmut. I totally enjoyed my time sunning on the dock with some friends from work. Saturday night when they got home Uncle Rob and Bill-Bill came to cook dinner. We had an awesome steak and they introduced me to my new favorite steak sauce. Williamson Brothers in case your wondering. Reagan and I went to bed and the boys rode the golf cart over to the neighbors house where they were having a party. I totally missed out because it was apparently the Whiskey River Band. Pretty cool…

Sunday morning we headed to church then out to lunch. It was an awesome message about living and showing your religion in the right way. It was one that TC and I both agreed we really enjoyed and needed to hear. Sunday afternoon we had some friends over to play on the lake. Uncle Rob and Bill brought the stand up jet-ski. Then our friends Lindsey and Justin brought their boys Brenton and Lane. We had a fun afternoon playing in the water and on the dock. Such a fun day with friends.

I forgot to take any pictures until tonight, so I will just leave you with this picture of my sweet girl contemplating life…

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