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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Weekend Update

Well, the weekend started off with a bang. TC had stomach bug… NOT FUN. He felt nauseous Friday afternoon/night and woke me up puking about 10:30. Now don't get me wrong, I love my hubs very much. But with that being said, I HATE hearing him throw up. It is the loudest most awkward (and sorry TC, but obnoxious) sound I have ever heard. It just makes me want to run the other way screaming. BUT, since I am a good wifey, I took him a wet rag and told him to yell if he needed anything else. *SIDE NOTE: I know I do totally annoying and gross things all the time.

Saturday morning, good ole Ray was up at 6:30 am asking for milk. I got lucky and she fell back asleep till about 8. TC was still out of commission, so we entertained ourselves for the day. We went to Academy and Hobby Lobby then out to lunch with CeeCee. Reagan ended up spending the night with mom and I came home and had a relaxing night with TC. He moved from the bed to the couch and that was the extent of his day.

Thankfully on Sunday TC felt alot better. We got up early and went to pick up Reagan. She was NOT ready to come home and when she saw us pulling up she started saying NO and trying to hide!!  We spent the day hanging around outside and not doing much of anything. It has been an incredibly uneventful weekend at our house. I can't believe I am saying this, but I am kinda ready for work tomorrow.

This Wednesday we start big girl ballet. That means I won't be in the room anymore!! We got new ballet shoes, tights, and 2 new leotards this weekend. My sweet little girl is growing up way too fast. Before I know it she's gonna want a cellphone… 

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