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Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekend Update

Well another weekend said and done. Friday I declared I was not cooking and TC looked at me with a "What's new?" face. So we ate Steve's BBQ. It's a trailer that sells BBQ in front of the Lakeland gas station near our house and it is soooo good. We had sandwiches and BBQ nachos. They are seriously delicious and their rating is a 100, which makes me feel better we are eating dinner out of a trailer.

Saturday morning TC got up and was productive. Reagan and I just watched him cut grass and fix the yard. We did keep him company outside while blowing bubbles for an hour though.

Sitting on the porch!! So sweet! 
Yeap, he seriously wore overalls to
cut the grass. 
Reagan had a birthday party to attend Saturday afternoon. Sweet Emma Grace turned 2 and all the little ones at the party had a ball!
The Birthday Girl
Emma Grace, Reagan and Allie Hunter 
Laying in the balls being silly!!
Then Saturday night uncle Bill-Bill, Rob and Brittany came up for dinner. Reagan had a big day and passed out on us about 10pm and Sunday morning TC and I had to wake her up for church. That never happens and of course didn't happen on a day when he or I could sleep in.

We had a great sunday at church followed by lunch with Robert and "big" Anna Claire. That was followed by an awesome Sunday afternoon nap and then we played with our neighbors. They have 3 kids that are hilarious. Their little girl is 4 and thinks TC is her dad's brother for some reason. She also has named him Reece and absolutely would not call him by his real name. Needless to say I see a fun and interesting summer in our future with the neighbors!!

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