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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Weekend Update

Friday night was date night…for the three of us. We started out at our favorite Mexican restaurant El Kmart. (The real name is something way longer.) We just call it El Kmart because its in the same shopping center as Kmart… Anyways. Reagan was super cute and funny and ate a ton of her food. We left there and went to Academy. TC needed "stuff". I don't even remember what we bought? So then I decided I needed "stuff", so I made him take me to Ulta. Because a girl always needs more makeup and lip gloss and nail polish right? Oh and if you heard/saw a crazy 2 year old running thru Academy, my bad… She was enjoying herself being loud and crazy and quite frankly I was too full to care. Dinner was delicious.

Saturday morning TC went to ride his new motorcycle we bought two weeks ago. Did I mention he purchased a YELLOW one? And I mean its yellow people. Very, very yellow. Reagan and I went to lunch with our BFF "Anta Claire" at Chick fil A. They have been missing each other and needed to play! We spent the rest of Saturday at home hanging out. TC didn't get home till late so we just chilled out and spent a nice relaxing night at home.

Sunday morning we were up early to head to church. It was a great sermon by one of Church of the Highlands guest pastors. He did a phenomenal job and we loved it. We spent all afternoon Sunday on the lake. CeeCee and Rodney came to play with us and some other friends stopped by on their pontoon boat. All in all another great weekend for the books.

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