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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weekend Update

Another week over. They are flying by way too fast these days. Friday night TC, Reagan and I had a quick dinner at Jalapenos near our house then spent the night just hanging out. Reagan is actually kind of fun to take to restaurant these days. *Note: This is not always these case with her two year old self.

Saturday morning TC and Reagan left early to go to the racetrack at Barbers. TC was having a race day and took sister with him. She LOVES the racetrack and he said she was awesome all day. I had a day to myself and laid out on the dock with some of my friends from work.

Also on Saturday morning I got a text from our BFF Bill that said Leigh was in the hospital with contractions. We are so excited to meet Grey, just not quite yet. Leigh is only 33 weeks and he needs a little more time to develop. Saturday night we went to visit them and take dinner to the hospital. Leigh looked fabulous as always.

Sunday morning was church as usual then we came home to spend some quality time down at the lake. We swam and played on the dock.  It's been a short weekend and I am sad it's over. I have had my phone in my hand at every second making sure Bill hasn't called or texted me. TC and I have been in their shoes delivering a baby early and it's the scariest thing in this world. Please, please, please say a prayer for the Vaughan's as they go thru this season in their life. Say a prayer for Grey that the steroids have helped develop his lungs and both he and momma have a safe delivery. Not sure when he's going to decide the time is right but Bill is saying sooner rather than later. WE LOVE YOU BILL, LEIGH AND GREY!!

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