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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Weekend Update

It was a beautiful weekend! We had absolutely perfect weather. Friday night we decided to grill steaks at the last minute. We were so excited that Bill and Grey got to join us. (We missed Leigh TONS while she was at work) I feel like Grey has grown 3 inches since I saw him last. We had a fabulous dinner and I love having Grey all to myself. Reagan absolutely loves him and he was so funny. She kept saying, "Grey watch me do this!" and he would turn his head and watch whatever she was doing.

Charlie and Murphy were thrilled with the good weather.

Can anybody spot the real baby?
Saturday morning we got up bright and early for picture day at ballet. I LOVED getting Reagan ready with hair and makeup. I was worried about her smiling for the camera because no parents are allowed in back but THANK THE LORD she was in a smiling mood. Our class picture time was right behind "Little" Anna Claire's and the girls were thrilled to see each other.

This picture melts my heart!

Her ballet class minus 3 girlies! 
After pictures we met CeeCee and Poppa for lunch at Five Guys. Poppa took Reagan and I on Thursday for lunch and it was so delicious we wanted it again.

Saturday afternoon TC had a project. Our neighbors moved and told us we could have their old swing set if we moved it. That was an easy decision!! Do yall know how expensive these things are now-a-days?? Reagan took a nap and woke up to a surprise in the backyard. SHE WAS THRILLED! She keeps saying watch me play on my "park". Cracks me up…
One happy girl!
Saturday night we boiled shrimp with Rodney, Lacey, baby Parker, Josh, Lindsey, "little" Anna Claire, baby Lillian, Bill and Grey. It was a full house with all the little ones. All the babies are within 2 months of each other. They were absolutely precious playing and interacting. The little girls loved being together too.

Lillian, Grey, Parker

Tinkerbell and Belle
Sunday morning we were up early for church. I am so ready for these next few services and Easter Sunday. We are so blessed to have a church where we really feel connected.

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