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Monday, May 21, 2012

Reagan's Randoms

-In the car after preschool. "MOMMA!! Bailey went to time out 'cause she ate all Sam's chicken at lunchtime!!" She will totally spill the beans on all the good stuff that happens at preschool and I LOVE it.

-She asked why people were jumping off the table into the pool at a swimming party the other day. We had to tell her that those "tables" are also called diving boards.

-She knows that Meemee and Pa purchased a pontoon boat just for her, so she sweetly told TC and I at dinner the other night we could ride on her boat… um thanks?

-She enters a room and loudly yells at TC and I, "HEY!! What yall in here doin'?" She does this at least 5 times a day.

-She calls the golf cart her "buggy" and asks to go on a buggy ride at least once a day.

-She still thinks that McDonalds is called Old Macdonalds and we don't correct her.

-She fake cries then says, "I'am crying because… (Insert random reason why here)"

-The only time she actually tells you she has to potty is when she decides she wants an oatmeal creme pie as a reward.

And as I have bragged before she loves the pool and water. Here is a video of her swimming at Meemee and Pa's house

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