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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ugh the Potty

I HATE teaching my kid how to use to the potty. It is not one of those parenting things that is fun. She is difficult and just does it when she feels like it. She is not one of those kids who you hear about who "got it" in just a few days. We try to bribe her with stickers, candy or ANYTHING that will motivate her. On that note, she has made me go in the bathroom about 15,000 times today. I am over it. It's amazing how she can dribble a drop just to get a new sticker. Literally people a DROP. And then you have to make a big deal about it and pretend its the best DROP you have ever seen in your life. It's a good thing she's so dang cute…
Yep, those are pink cowboy boots.

On that note… When this is said and done, I have decided I am rewarding myself with a prize. I deserve one!!

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