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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Feeling Crafty...

Well, I was feeling crafty today. So…..I decided to teach myself to sew. Yeah I know, sounds interesting huh? Cloth and pattern bought and cut out. That was the easy part.  Borrowed mom's sewing machine (that I bought her for mother's day one year). And did the whole bobbin thing and threading the needle thing. Watched a bunch of YouTube videos about beginning to sew. Felt ready to try it and made one whole line. Then disaster struck… I am not sure what exactly happened but loads of thread ended up all junked up under my cloth. Therefore, I think I will try again tomorrow with renewed excitement. I am over it for today.
Notice the large pile of jumbled/tangled stuff in the background.

While I was feeling crafty, Reagan was awesome and entertained herself for over an hour. Not sure what exactly she was doing so long in her tunnel, but whatever works huh?

I have been doing the whole counting to three thing with Reagan. I asked her to pick up something and she didn't listen. I then began to count and she stopped looked up and said, "Wait, wait, wait!! Don't say three! Im getting it!!!" I just had to walk out of the room so she couldn't see me laughing. Later, I put some Dora gummy bears (her version of crack) on her high chair. She came running and told me a fairy came and left her a prize!  I am LOVING her imagination these days. It's amazing what she can come up with. 

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