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Saturday, February 4, 2012


Well I usually talk about Reagan, but this post is dedicated to good ole' Murphy Lightsey himself. He is the bomb dog. I started begging TC for a dog when we first got married. I knew I wanted a soft coated wheaton terrier because some friends of ours had one and I fell in love. He eventually gave in cause that's what newly weds do! I did my research and ordered Murphy straight off the internet and paid with paypal! Gotta love this generation huh? He flew to the Birmingham Airport all the way from Nebraska.
Coming home from the Airport (He flew Delta)

Well needless to say he is a HUGE part of our lives. He has been the sweetest thing to Reagan and lets her do whatever she wants to him all the time. She pulls his tongue, sits on him, hits him and pulls his tail constantly. And you know what? He just sits there. Her newest thing is "feeding" him. Mostly that means making him eat one piece of dog food at a time out of her hand. Poor dog.
His first snow.

Now he has not always been an easy dog. He has done his share of "dog things". Like, running away and getting stuck in the neighbors fence and chewing up our favorite shoes. But overall he is one good dog and I seriously love him. He is sometimes weird and likes to lick the vents. Yes, lick vents. Like the ones on the floor of our house. He especially likes it when they blow air. So we affectionally call him "vent licker". The funniest thing is to hear Reagan walk thru the house and say "oh look momma! Murphy is being a vent licker!!" Its hilarious.
Yes he lays in our lap like this. He's a big ole baby!

Wherever we are in the house, that is where he is. He sleeps with TC and I in our room but we have been trying to get him to stay with Reagan in her room. He's just not having it. So here's to the Murphster, vent licker, ricky retardo, brother and affectionally "dipshit". Those are just a few of his nicknames. We love him ALOT and our house would not be the same without him!
The "cone of shame" when he got his man parts removed.

Riding on the boat. His fav thing in this world!
Loving his new sister! Where have 2 years gone?
She wasn't sure at this point…
The end! 

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