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Monday, March 12, 2012

Family Pictures

So as I mentioned a few posts ago, we had family pictures taken. They turned out great considering we had a very active two year old who was NOT in the mood for pictures in the least! These are just a few of my favorites. 

A couple of these are going to be blown up and on the walls in pretty frames! I can't wait. Have I mentioned I GOT A NEW CAMERA? I am obsessed. I wanted to sleep with it, hold it and take it to work with me today. It has a TON of buttons and settings so it will be an adventure to figure out. But I can't wait to be able to take some pictures like these for myself. 

On another note. My kid has been HILARIOUS! Some of her funnies lately in no particular order. 

-While on the phone with my mom: "Reagan what are you doing?" and she replies "I'm just potty training"
-We are driving down the road and she is in the back seat talking to herself…."I love uncle Robert, he's my friend"
-While singing to herself: "A,B,C,D…jesus loves me…now sing with me" I tried to tell her those were two separate songs, but she wasn't having that.
-I asked her what she is going to see at the aquarium this weekend and she said "fish, dolphins and Jesus" 
-She thinks that McDonald's is called "old mcdonalds" (as in old mcdonald had a farm) and we don't correct her because we think it's cute!

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