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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nap Time

OK, I give up. Reagan wins. SHE WILL NOT TAKE A NAP. I am going crazy. I just need 30 minutes without a little person following me around. I am currently forcing her to lay on the couch. She in turn is continuing to talk. NON-STOP. I told her she could get up in 30 minutes. Since she is two that means NOTHING to her! She said, "OK mommy, I tink its prolly been a minute!" Um…..where does she get these things?

With that being said. I love listening to her talk to herself. It's like a running commentary of my day. Mommy, you going in the kitchen? Oh, you getting a drink….Now you going to potty? It's hilarious. She just follows me around commenting on WHATEVER I happen to be doing at that moment. And if you try to shut the bathroom door for a second of alone time? Well forget it. She aint letting that happen! She has figured out how to open the doors. I knew that day was coming and I dreaded it. Well it's here.

She is all about wearing two bows lately. 

As much as I want her to go to sleep right now I also have to just laugh. She knows she isn't allowed to get up off the couch so she keeps sitting up looking at me and grinning. She just said, "don't worry momma, I won't fall asleep!" "Can I get up?" Oh yeah and she has figured out the ole, "I need to potty" trick to get up. Oh lord give me strength!!! 

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