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Thursday, March 22, 2012


Imagination is turning into a great thing in the Lightsey house. Reagan is constantly talking to her babies, asking them questions then telling me what they said. For example: "Baby, you gonna eat supper? Uh huh, yeah….momma this baby wants to eat cookies for supper." It cracks me up. She also sits in her little pink car and pretends she's going to the grocery store.

She sits in this car for hours talking to herself….

Lately she is also all about names. She wants to know my real name and everybody else she can think of. She knows that my real name is Meg so lately, if she calls me and I don't immediately come she starts screaming "Hey MEGGGGGGG, come here puuuwease!!!" 

In other absolutely unimportant news: 

-We started swimming lessons and she did AWESOME! She hopped right in the pool and was going under the water after 10 minutes.

-I don't own swimwear appropriate for swimming lessons! I need a new tankini/one piece!

-I haven't cooked one meal this week, after I wrote on my blog I was going to cook 4 days a week…Whoops. I plan on redeeming myself next week.

-I can't sew….yet. But I am still working on that. I didn't expect it to happen overnight. 

-I backed into a power line. Yes, I said power line and messed up my bumper on the tahoe. I am still sick to my stomach over it because it was a stupid mistake. But hey, it could have been worse. 


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